Guild of Acolytes


Holy Eucharist on Sundays - 9:30 am (Sanctuary/Online) / Sunday School (Golden Hall) / Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays - 10 am (Sanctuary and Zoom) / Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 pm (Zoom) (Log in information is at Social Media Platforms at 'ABOUT US')

At St. Gabriel’s, we encourage our youths to participate in the worship service. In so doing, they develop spiritually and feel a sense of self-worth and usefulness at Church.

An Acolyte can assist in worship by carrying the processional cross, lighting and outing the candles, holding torches, swinging the thurible or carrying the incense boat, handing offering plates to ushers and other helpful tasks.

Our Acolytes receive training for the tasks they are assigned to perform on the altar. We have an open invitation for interested youngsters, male and female, to participate.

Every fall our Acolytes attend the National Acolyte Festival in Washington, DC.

For more information, contact Michael Ashby, Acolytes Coordinator.