Holy Eucharist, Sundays, 9:30 am (Sanctuary / Online)
(Facebook / YouTube / Zoom ID: 970 3502 6969 / Passcode: 026667)
Bereavement Ministry, Sundays, 1: 00 pm (Cry Room)
Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer, Wednesdays, 10 am (Sanctuary / Zoom ID: 953 4196 0007 / Passcode: 025388 / Telephone: 1.646.876.9923 / ID: 953 4196 0007)
Saturday, January 18 to 25, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: “Do you believe this?” (Morning Prayer at 7 am on the Weekday Zoom)
Wednesday, January 22, 7:30 pm, Bible Study: ‘Duties of the Older and the Younger’ (Titus 2: 1 - 15) Zoom ID: 953 4196 0007 / Passcode: 025388
Saturday, January 25, 11am, Counter’s Workshop
February is Black History Month Celebration
Saturday, February 22, 11 am, Absalom Jones Mass (The Cathedral, Garden City)