Christian Formation and Youth


Holy Eucharist on Sundays - 9:30 am (Sanctuary/Online) / Sunday School (Golden Hall) / Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays - 10 am (Sanctuary and Zoom) / Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 pm (Zoom) (Log in information is at Social Media Platforms at 'ABOUT US')

The Christian Formation and Youth Committee shall assist the Rector in providing adequate Christian education programs for all members, their families, and visitors to the Church.

These programs shall include an adequate Christian Formation Curriculum, which will facilitate growth and understanding of the Christian faith. The Committee shall provide leadership and vision for the nurture, care, and education for all.

The Christian Formation and Youth Committee shall:

  1. Have a representative from all the Christian Formation and Youth Ministries of the Church at each meeting. This includes the Acolytes, Bible Study, Boys Scouts, Christian Education, Confirmation, Cradle Roll Ministry, Dance Ministry, Girl’s Friendly Society, Girls Scouts, Summer Camp, Youth Choir, Youth Ushers, Youth and Young Adult Outreach Initiative.
  2. Continue to monitor and facilitate all the Christian Formation and Youth Ministries of the Church.
  3. Identify teachers, sponsors and mentors as needed and shall help the Rector in making decisions on curriculum and supplemental resources.
  4. Provide overall visioning, planning and support for Christian Education and Youth events for the calendar year while helping to engage the congregation in the work of the education of children, youth, and adult.
  5. Collaborate with other ministry teams relating to the education of children and youth, especially with a focus on mentoring.
  6. Develop the Youth Sunday (4th Sunday) with a view to involve all those under eighteen years of age in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
  7. Make recommendations to have the children and youth involved in community outreach and volunteer programs to the Community, Deanery and Diocese.