Holy Eucharist, Sundays, 9:30 am (Sanctuary / Online)
(Facebook / YouTube / Zoom ID: 970 3502 6969 / Passcode: 026667)
Bereavement Ministry, Sundays, 1: 00 pm (Cry Room)
Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer, Wednesdays, 10 am (Sanctuary / Zoom ID: 953 4196 0007 / Passcode: 025388 / Telephone: 1.646.876.9923 / ID: 953 4196 0007)
Wednesday, January 29, 7:30 pm, Bible Study: ‘Godly Living / Personal Concerns’ (Titus 3: 1 - 15) Zoom ID: 953 4196 0007 / Passcode: 025388
February is Black History Month Celebration
Sunday, February 2, 12:30pm, ECW Meeting with the Rector (Conference Room)
Saturday, February 22, 11 am, Absalom Jones Mass (The Cathedral, Garden City)
Saturday, March 1, Women’s Seminar (Body and Soul)
Sunday, March 2, 3pm, Senior Choir Concert
Wednesday, March 5, 10am / 7:30pm, Ash Wednesday Mass
Friday, March 7, 12:30pm, Stations of the Cross (Sanctuary/Zoom)
Saturday, March 8, 11am, New Members Class